Tasma House and Gardens - Winter 2012
A cool Sunday afternoon on The Queen's June birthday long weekend, and it's warm inside. The sun shows itself outside, through the misty mountain air, which so many guests enjoy walking through with their winter coats, hats, and gloves. With air-conditioned houses, cars, and shopping malls, it's no wonder that Daylesford is so popular in winter. Perhaps it's the last place to actually use all the winter accessories.
I often tell people who book and stay over winter that the fresh mountain cold is a great excuse to do nothing. Well, almost nothing, whilst sharing it with your close friends and family. It's a great time to walk in the hills, around the lakes or the many bush trails that connect Tasma House to the outside world of mineral water, fresh forrest, or the Mill Market at the end of the street. The house stays warm and comforting whilst guests get out and explore the Sunday markets or the main street cafe's and galleries.
On days of doing very little, it's totally fine to make a round of hot chocolates on the expresso machine or cook a long slow soup with fresh veggies from the Saturday farmers market, enjoying a fresh sourdough loaf to dip into it. Book reading, and occasionally looking out at the cold from frosted-over windows at the colourful rosellas and cockatoos seems to add a special ingredient to a winter visit.

Somebody contacted me regarding the celebration of their 50th birthday at Tasma House the other day. This is a regular enquiry, and quite a number of people have now gathered their best mates and family together to do this here. This enquiry got me thinking about why I am so passionate about my responses to these requests. I held mine here, not because I could, but because that is what I truly wanted to do....bring my important people together in one place and share their presence, not their presents, in a slow and delicious way.
On receiving a quote for another 50th gathering, the recipient thought it too much to spend on oneself, and suggested that they and their partner could go to Bali for a week for the cost of bringing their whole gang to Tasma House for an extended weekend. They got no argument from me, because it's true. It's also true that you do not get to enjoy a week in Bali with up to 18 others, and the souvenirs you bring home will most probably end up at the op-shop in a few years' time. The only comparison between the two experiences is a price point, and what happens when you bring the whole gang together is priceless!
There are 2x 80th celebrations booked in this winter. Four generations will be able to be together at one place at the one time. A few weeks ago we had a marvellous family gathering combining a doting matriarch, four siblings and partners, and a combined force of 10 children between them. Madness, mayhem, and hilarity....bring it on, I say!
The last garden wedding for the season was held in late April, on the most glorious of autumn days. A special helping hand from someone looking over the Beautilicious Bride, Danielle, and her Handsome Husband, Phil. Danielle is an experienced event photographer herself, www.dlbenson.com.au, and planned the event with her partner to the smallest detail. Their wedding was photographed by Immerse Photography.
Their success, which is obvious by the photo's and the generosity of sharing their private memories, was, in part, attributed to the fabulous team that they chose to help them achieve their ideal ceremony and celebration.
The photo's are a testament to a beautiful couple who worked hard to make a special day for themselves, and reached out to their loved ones and friends, making them all feel at home. A toast to the happy couple!